10 Mar Gift Wrapping with maps: A sustainable living series
I always believe that it is important to use what you have before you consume more. And I have a lot of maps!
When customers buy pencil sets from six0sixdesign they are often giving them as gifts so they can choose to have their pencil boxes gift wrapped. There are three different options. And today our theme is maps, and using them for gift wrapping.
My map collection is made up of many different types of maps, Vintage ordnance survey maps, National Geographic maps, travel maps from Michelin and other well known cartographic companies. Some vintage maps hold a higher value than others, for example the national geographic maps and some of the older ordnance survey maps can be expensive to buy so I wouldn’t use them as gift wrap. But I also pick up old road atlases and school atlas map books in charity shops. And these are perfect to use for making your own gift wrapping paper.

I look for the unloved books! The ones with torn covers and out of date information, with scribbles in the margins and stains on the pages. These are the books that I rescue. You can see some of my map book collection below that I use when I am in search of a map page for gift wrapping a pencil set in.

It’s all in the details
I am all about the details, the little extra touches that I love to add to my orders. I always include a hand written note with each order. And when you order gift wrapping I love to add the gift tags. For the map gift wrap the gift tags have a little map heart punched out for each one. If I can I like to choose a map and a heart that have some association either to the pencil sets or to the address they are being posted to. Like I said, it’s all in the details!