13 Jan January: A look back at the year behind
Looking Back
During the first lock down I spent a lot of time chopping logs.
It was pretty therapuetic, helping my dad fell the trees, lifting the axe, feeling it bite the timber and the satisfaction of a perfect slice.
I hadn’t had time in so many seasons to offer him help with this. In the little lockdown bubble, we spent long days outside, drinking strong cups of tea, in between log chopping sessions.
This pile of logs, that I stacked in an old doorway, have stood for two seasons now. And today I hefted some into a bag, ready to burn in our fire tonight.
As I lifted them from their resting place I remembered that time spent cutting them. It seemed strange that that was all the way back in April 2020. Nearly two years ago now.
But I could still remember the axe, the bite, the satisfaction.
It also brought back the memories of limbo and of the world standing still. And even though it has been an age, in some ways it feels like yesterday.
Time is a weird nebulus thing these days. And while lots is stil the same, much has changed. Some for the better too. 😉
While I was one then, I am now three. A miniature family bubble.
My business has been tested, stretched and strengthened. I have forged new businesss connections and worked and am still working on some shifts within both my businesses. Those decisions are scary but I know that they will move my business forward.
Going Forward
I took over two weeks off over Christmas, I hadn’t switched off like that since lord knows when. I genuinely can’t remember the last time, years, maybe even a decade!
And I expected to come back feeling refreseshed and ready to rock. But I haven’t found that feeling yet. And this week I am easing myself back into the swing of things. Trying to be kind to myself as I scratch away in search of that mojo. Maybe its because of the long break, maybe its because of the even longer seasons since that first log chopping lock down.
My brain wants cosy mornings reading detective novels and slow strolls down country lanes. But there are bills to pay and life must kick on. I had a session in my business support group during the week and so many of us were feeling this same sense of not quite being ready for that new year new you.
And that’s ok. I think.
This week I’ve started to work on my Valentines Day collection for 2022. I have set up a new desk HQ. I had a product launch in my other business. And those are three good solid ticks on the to do list.
If you are feeling that same sluggishness, you’re not alone. Be kind to yourself. Celebrate the wins and don’t be too hard on yourself when you don’t tick all the items off your list.