08 Oct My Book Life: My latest book haul
I try not to buy too many books these days, but sometimes it is hard to resist. Here is a video I took of the latest additions to my book life
I recorded it after a trip to a local bookshop, and I think you will agree who could resist picking the gems that I found up and bringing them home. Right?!
Included in my haul was a 1935 copy of a small size magazine Mine: A magazine for all who are young. I love all the old illustrations and advertisements in these type of books. They are little segments of history.

I also picked up ANOTHER copy of Pride and Prejudice
Beartown by Fredrik Bakman which I read and then reviewed over here
My favourite find has to be Fine Preserving by Catherine Plagemann from around 1967, I definitely picked it off the bookshelf because of the titles but inside is just as interesting.

I also picked up some maps from a local charity shop which I use for my map artworks here

And finally, my latest magazine find, BREATHE which I love. I don’t really buy magazines anymore but I do pick this up every now and again. AND what I love about it is there are NO advertisements in it. So it is like reading a beautiful book in serial form.