19 Nov Homemade Christmas Gifts: Getting ready for Christmas
Welcome to my guide to making homemade Christmas Gifts.
Making Your Own Presents is a wonderful way to not only show thought in your gift giving but also to save money and give people something they will use.
There are so many ways to add a little hand made to your Christmas. Start collecting pretty glass jars (think mason or kilner jars) and if you spot any hampers going begging snap them up too. If you type in handmade gifts into Pinterest you will get hundreds of results. Here are just a few of my favourite ideas for foodie gifts this Christmas.
Decorate jars with material tied over the lid with ribbon or bakers twine. Use brown tags and Christmas stamps to label them.
Other Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas:
Photo book or album, especially good for relatives living far away. And its a lovely record for you to have of your year. This is a great post on it
Turn your Children’s Artwork into gifts. Scan them in and print out in the size you want to cover for a notebook, shrink them down and add to a big picture frame you can even look at getting them printed onto tea towels. Check out this article over on babble for some really cool ideas.
Vouchers for diy baby sitting , you can do them up to look like ticket stub book

Printable coupons on the spotted sparrow website
Mentioned in this post: The Food Network, Philidelphia Cream Cheese, Tastes Better From Scratch Blog, Babble, www.lilblueboo.com
So get making and if you have any other homemade Christmas Gift ideas leave them in the comments.