04 Mar A handcrafted Home
I love the idea of creating spaces in your home that are a reflection of your personality. And tell a part of your story. Or your families story.
So many of the products I design are about telling stories. Commemorating a special moment or event in someones life. But remembering the mundane and ordinary can be just as interesting. And profound.
Take for example this idea of using vintage tea towels to create an airy curtain. Giving privacy to a space while letting light in.

And best of all, and what I love most, is it is a practical way to have keepsakes from those that have come before you.
Perhaps the vintage tea towels belonged to your grandmother or an aunt. Maybe you picked them up on a holiday abroad years ago or at a vintage market. Whatever their origin, they are now part of your story. Stitched into it and the fabric of your home.
Creating usable keepsakes from your memorabilia is a lovely way to keep the items, see them every day while not having them gather dust in your attic. It is also a great way to turn fabric that may have otherwise ended up in the dump
I try to not have clutter in my home, everything has a purpose, so ideas like the vintage tea towel curtain really appeal to me.