04 Feb Big birthdays and an Irish Times feature
I originally intended this post to happen in January. A Happy New Year everyone, welcome to 2016, but as it in now February I think you can see that didn’t happen.
Because January was a bit epic. It is always so much busier than I think it will be and this year it was even more so.
Firstly I turned a lovely round number and headed west to celebrate. We stayed in the most beautiful cottage that I found through airbnb. I am in love with this way of travelling. I have found the most amazing little spots to stay in using it. You can use this link to grab yourself a little discount with your first stay if you like.
I got featured
And while I was away I got the most fantastic surprise birthday present from The Irish Times. I got featured in the Frontlines section of the The Irish Times magazine. I didn’t quite realise how many people read it until I started getting the orders and looking at my Google analytics. It was such a fantastic start to the next decade of my life! A big thank you to travel journalist Manchán Magan for the article.
Spring Cleaning my Product Range
I also took some time in January to spring clean some of my designs. My range of Shakespeare pencil sets have been with me since the very start of my handmade business and I felt now was a good time to look at the design again and give it a lift. And I have to say that I am incredibly happy with the redesign, I feel like it really ties in well with the Shakespeare theme and perfect for all the aspiring playwrights and fans of The Bard out there.

Romeo and Juliet pencils
Also up for a Spring clean were the Film Pencils ( I ate a lot of popcorn the day of that photoshoot!)
The Dictionary Pencils. Which have always been my favourite of the pencil sets.
I actually talk a bit about my obsession with vintage dictionaries here. I have quite a few…
And the Map Location Pencils now have some extra features.
As you can see it was a very busy month of
Final Words
I will leave you with this quote from Folksy Makers Max and Delphine who gave a wonderful interview over on Folksy.
Tweet it
Until next month
– Vanessa