24 Jan Irish Proverbs on Love this valentines day
Lessons on Love from Ancient Ireland
One of my favourite things about reading old proverbs and sayings is imagining who first said them. How many hundreds or maybe even thousands of years, have they whispered through time. To land here, in our present day.
You can definitely feel the age in some of those Irish proverbs, you can feel the time they were first spoken in. But what is really magical about this collection of Irish proverbs is how true they still are today. Whether they are wise or whimsical, they have that strong ring of truth to them

I have two different collection in the Irish proverb range at the moment. The Irish Friendship pencils (which you can find here) and the Irish Proverbs on Love, here
Given the season that we are soon entering. Cupids arrows and red roses abounding from shop fronts and website adverts, I am of course talking about those wise Irish proverbs on love today
The first of the Irish love proverbs that I chose for this pencil set was
An áit a bhuil do chroà is ann a thabharfas do chosa thú.
Your feet will bring you to where your heart is.

I loved the wisdom in this proverb. And that sense of coming home. That you might wander but your body and soul would know where your heart lies. Perhaps before your brain does. How often do we overthink or second guess ourselves when really all we need to do is trust our instinct.
Life Wisdom
And I would also add that this is not just wisdom on romantic love but also about careers, passion projects and following your dreams. Your heart does not always need to lie with another person! Or at least not wholly.

As you can see in the image below, each of the pencils in your set has a different proverb on it. And the proverbs are written in both Irish and English. Ticking the box for that bilingual gift.

And while I am talking about the Irish pencils as the perfect Valentines Day gift today I did design them with weddings in mind. I saw them as adding a little bit of Irish wisdom on your wedding day.
And certainly while they could be gifts for the bride or groom the proverb pencils would also be fun gifts to give the best man to help with his wedding speech, or the maid of honour! On a side note the Irish Friendship pencils are lovely bridesmaid gifts, especially when you personalise the box lids. (see here)
A taste of Irish humour
The second proverb that I chose for this pencil set is more of a humorous one. Perhaps a slightly dark humour! But definitely a way to make your audience laugh if you are giving a wedding speech. Just make sure that you know your crowd!
NÃl aon leigheas ar an ngrá ach pósadh.
There is no cure for love but marriage.

This third Irish proverb is short but sweet. And oh so true. Whether you are walking an actual road or the metaphorical road of life, having a partner by your side makes the journey feel shorter. And far more pleasent too.
GiorraÃonn beirt bóthar.
Two shorten the road.
I remember a friend telling me years ago that his dad had told him, before you marry a women, take her on a mountain hike, see how she deals with it. The idea of course being that you should see how the person you plan to spend your life with, deals with hard or tough situations. Do they have grace under pressure or will they lash out at their loved ones when they are feeling uncomfertable.

I feel like this fourth proverb is such a methaphor for a life well lived. A light heart lives a long time. A lesson to not carry the weight of others opinions and censure on your heart. A light heart to me is a happy one. A heart filled with love and caring. A heart that is loved and loves fully in return
Maireann croà éadrom a bhfad.
A light heart lives a long time.

And so we come to the final proverb in this collection.
Sláinte chuig na fir agus go maire na mná go deo!
Health to the men and may the women live forever!
As discussed on the excellent Daltaà website this toast or proverb is often spoken in two parts. The men would toast themselves first, Health to the men and then the women in order to give themselves a superior toast would follow with And may the women live forever. A bit of dry Irish humour there for you.

I hope you have enjoyed this little dive into Irish language and culture. You can see the full range of Irish proverb gifts below along with my other Valentines Day offerings.

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