06 Mar March Meet the Maker: Week 1
Every March for a few years now the every amazing Joanne Hawker has run March Meet the Maker. For the month of March you get a daily prompt to help you tell your business story.
Designed for makers like me, I love this challenge SO MUCH. Not only because it helps me curate my instagram account for the month but most importantly it helps me to tell my followers more about ME, I always find new fellow makers to follow and I learn so much about all my ‘virtual’ making friends out there!
This year I decided to do a little round up each week on my blog of that weeks posts.
You can follow along with MY MarchMeetTheMaker over on my Instagram account here
And if you are a fellow maker, comment on this post with your instagram handle as I always love finding new internet friends.
The first prompt of the challenge is
Well Hi there!
Happy first of March and Day 1 of #marchmeetthemaker which is run by the ever amazing @joannehawker
Let me introduce myself. My name is Vanessa Scott-Hayward. I run six0six design, a design studio specialising in literary pencils and map keepsakes. Everything that I sell is handmade by me in my studio in Co. Kildare, Ireland. Here are some things you probably didn’t know about me. I have… READ MORE
For day 2 our challenge prompt is
Day 2 of #marchmeetthemaker and Day of 3 of me being snowed in! Today the prompt from @joannehawker is all about the where. Here is my studio space, which I am so lucky to have. Its in the middle of the country so the… READ MORE HERE
The first week of this years March Meet the Maker is a short one so we are already on Saturday. Today everyone is talking about HOW YOU STARTED
For me it was these dictionary pencils. These were the first pencil design I made. And the beginning of my business as it is today. Before that I had still been trying to find my niche, I was experimenting, trying to find my voice. And then I had this idea. Gifts for people like me who READ MORE HERE
On day 4 Joanne asked us to tell you what is our FAVOURITE TO MAKE
My favourite thing to make. It does change, but I do really love making the map artworks. Here I am hand sewing one of the Map prints before I add the map hearts and assemble. What is your favourite thing to make?
And remember if you are doing the March Meet The Maker challenge too, let me know what your instagram handle is in the comments below so I can follow your story too.
Until next week,
Have a great one