05 Apr My Reading Life: March 2019
March turned out to be a really busy month for me work wise. I was determined this month to finish some of the books that I am half way through reading, which is about 7 at this point.
I like to dip in and out of books, having different ones for different moods but I think at this point the towering pile beside my bed was starting to look slightly structurally unsound!
I also discovered BorrowBox which is an app used by libraries where you can borrow digital ebooks and audible books. Two of my books this month were from here. See more details on it here
In total I read 8 books, 3 of which were audible books from borrow box, 1 non fiction which was also my 5 star book of the month . I also reread 3 of my favourite fantasy novels.
Summer at Mount Hope by Rosalie Ham

My review:
I’m not quite sure how I felt about this book. It’s well written and the lead characters are well rounded and held my attention, but having finished it I can’t say that I enjoyed it. It did make me read up about Australian history in the late 19th century and it depicts perfectly I think the hard life of frontier men and women striving out into the out back. It is also a poignant take of a women’s life at that time, tied to marriage or spinsterhood as the only two paths her future could hold. But with its sedate pace and drawn out plot when it came to the end it was like the rest of the book had fallen off a cliff, while I am all for leaving some parts to a readers imagination, the ending was lacking and disappointing.
2.5 stars
Source: Library Digital audiobook
Links: Amazon Goodreads Bookdepository
Messenger of truth by Jacqueline Winspear

My review:
Yet again another stellar turn by Maisie Dobbs, this series of novels are also a really interesting historical insight into the inter war years. At the aftermath of WW1 and also the tell tale signs of the rise of fascism. Once I finish one I order the next one from the library.
A high 3 stars
Source: Local Library
Links: Amazon Goodreads Bookdepository
99 Percent Mine by Sally Thorne

My review:
This is the second Sally Thorne book that I’ve read and I liked it even more than the first one. A super easy, devour in one setting, read. If we have to label things as chic lit (and personally I don’t think we do) then this is the creme de la creme. With rounded characters and relationships that you believe it. Thank you Sally – for enjoyability factor I’d almost give it a 4
3.5 stars
Source: Kindle
Links: Amazon Goodreads Bookdepository
Half a War by Joe Abercrombie

My review:
An excellent end to this epic fantasy trilogy. Abercrombie writes so well of not only the bold wartime adventurer but of the world weary warrior, the aftermath of war and the politicking of those in power. With characters of many layers and deceptions around every corner this kept me hooked until the last page. A fine series and one I thoroughly enjoyed.
4/5 stars.
Source: Borrowed from a friend (thanks Joe!)
Links: Amazon Goodreads Bookdepository
The Little Book of Lykke: The Danish Search for the World’s Happiest People by Meik Wiking

My review:
I absolutely loved this book. It is a little manifesto for happiness. With not only fascinating studies of happiness across the globe but also heartwarming tales of how people and communities are implementing steps to happier more fulfilled lives. I feel like this is the type of book i will go back to again and again. And maybe take inspiration from it on implementing happiness in my own life
5 stars
Source: Purchased from a local bookstore
Links: Amazon Goodreads Bookdepository
Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders

My review:
A strange and beautiful book. I ‘read’ this book as an audible download and I really think it added to the experience as the book is narrated by a whole cast of characters, so it rather feels like you are listening to a radio play. It mixes perfectly the haunting loss of loosing a child with the black humour of a graveyard come alive. Sick box, might be my new favourite word melange. Having not read the paper book I can’t compare but I really would recommend listening to it.
4 stars.
Source: Library Audible Download
Links: Amazon Goodreads Bookdepository
Queen of Klutz by Samantha Garman

My review:
** spoiler alert **
I picked this on a whim from my kindle recommended list and I have to say it exceeded expectations. Funny, in that fast paced Gilmore girls way with genuine laugh out loud moments. And yes it follows the, girl meets boy, falls for boy, predictable arc, BUT it does it really well. My one main criticism would be the epilogue, it could have done without it as it tied up all the loose ends a little too neatly
3 stars.
Source: Kindle – currently on Kindle Unlimited (April 2019)
Cartes Postales by Victoria Hislop

My review:
This was a book within a book within a book. It almost felt like I was reading a selection of short stories which were very enjoyable in themselves. But when we finally get back to the ‘main ‘ character’s the book is nearly over. I wavered between a 2 and 3 star rating for this book. As I liked it as it progressed, and as an introduction to Greece it was a lovely taster.
3 stars
Source: Library Audible Download
Links: Amazon Goodreads Bookdepository
My rereads
Patricia Briggs is one of my favourite female fantasy writers of all time. The latest release in her Mercy Thompson series is coming out in May so I have been comfort reading some of my favourite by her to stave off my impatience at its release. I reread three of her Alpha and Omega series, Cry Wolf, Hunting Ground and Fair Game and I think I’ll reread some of the Mercy Thompson series in May

You can see her full range of books over on her website HERE
Or I have also gotten several of her books from my local library. And of course they are available on kindle.

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