31 Aug Through an instagram filter: A month at six0six design
Happy last day of August everyone.
I thought it might be a nice idea to do a round up of this month in the studio here at six0six design with a look back at August’s Instagram snaps.
At the start of the month I took a fantastic month long online course withAndi at The Dream Job Shop. It was a great way to keep myself motivated through the last haul of the summer.
I have been trying to keep up with my sketching, taking a moment on a daily basis to do a sketch, whatever it may be. Here is one I did on a day by the beach. Bird at rest, I like to call it!
Daily sketches. #sketchaday bird at sea  A photo posted by Vanessa (@six0sixdesign) on
There have been a lot of new designs coming on stream recently, not least of all my Personalised Film pen, for which I even made a vintage style popcorn container for the photo shoot. You can find the film pen here Â
Here is the film pen in action
Film pens. Brand new design I just launched yesterday. Cannot tell you how excited I am by this one. You pick your favourite film and I turn it into a personalised pen.A photo posted by Vanessa (@six0sixdesign) on
Its so important to REMEMBER THE WHY in your business
‘When you feel like quitting think about why you started’
Was super chuffed with some lovely feedback from customers including this for one of my cards
I have been researching new poems to add to the WB Yeats poetry collection. And will soon be releasing pens to accompany the poetry pencils.
Catching up on my One Day Business Breakthrough podcasts on my new phone (an old iPhone which I am learning to love)
Listening to patflynn and chrisducker on the 1daybb podcast while making up lots of superhero pen orders  A photo posted by Vanessa (@six0sixdesign) on
On a personal note I managed to get out into the sunshine for a beautiful hike up around Lough Bray in Co. Wicklow
Hiked up around lough bray today the views were amazing. #irishsummer A photo posted by Vanessa (@six0sixdesign) on
and I finished this coffee table project. I used a vintage National Geographic map of Europe for the top.
Thanks for tuning in and I hope you enjoyed this little synopsis. We shall have another designer interview on the blog soon after our summer break.
– Vanessa