15 Oct Book Review: The Maisie Dobbs Series By Jacqueline Winspear

The Maisie Dobbs Series
One of the main reasons that I wanted to start recording the books that I read, and talking about them on this platform is so that I could record details about the reading.
For example this series of Maisie Dobbs books, I really wish I could remember how I came about them. I think I had started reading some Agatha Christie novels and had been searching for recommendations for similar genres and writing styles. And up popped Jacqueline Winspear. But I would love to be able to give credit to who recommended them. Alas my memory fails me.

The Maisie Dobbs novels are my comfort blanket, I have slowly been making my way through the series, I read the first and second books in the series back in December 2018 and I review the third book Pardonable Lies in my January Book Life Post. Book 4, Messanger of Truth I read in March and I review it here and in June I made it to book 5 An Incomplete Revenge.
I love history books and detective novels so these books are the perfect mix of both, sprinkles of real life events and fictional mysteries to solve.
They are well written and engaging with a lead character who I love. Each book follows a different case, or sometimes a few cases. There can be a dash of slightly unrealistic coincidence but it all manages to mesh into the story. They are all set in the aftermatch of World War I, which I would go so far as to say is the second main character in all the books. Our heroine and her assistant both suffer from the after effects of the war and it plays a large part in the cases also.
Source: Library Loan

I’ve come to the conclusion that liking a person we are required to have dealings with is not of paramount importance. But respect is crucial, on both sides, as is tolerance, and a depth of understanding of those influences that sculpt a character
So far I have read
Book 1 – Maisie Dobbs
Book 2 – Birds of a Feather
Book 3 – Pardonable Lies
Book 4 – Messenger of Truth
Book 5 – An Incomplete Revenge
Links of where to find The Maisie Dobbs Series by Jacqueline Winspear
Below are a list of where you can buy a copy of Jacqueline Winspear’s books, I have borrowed all mine from my local library but if you do want to purchase a copy I highly recommend shopping local and going into your local bookshop
Start with
Book 1: Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear
Amazon.co.uk – Jacqueline Winspear Author Page
Amazon.com – The Maisie Dobbs series
Find out more about the author Jacqueline Winspear
Previous Months in my Reading Life
From January to May of this year (2019) I compiled lists each months of the books that I had read and my reviews of them.
From June onwards I have started to give each book that I loved an individual review post so that I can go into more detail and it will also help me better create my top 10 list at the end of the year!